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James Mault

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📬 James Mault


RRM Pittsburgh
Residential Reentry Office
1000 Liberty Avenue, Ste 1315
Pittsburgh PA 15222

Birthday December 8th
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I am a 30 year old father of two children, a son Jack (2 years old) and a daughter Neva (5 years old). I am from Brockport NY.  I come from a family with strong patriotic values and we have always put God and our country first. Growing up I played football and was big into wrestling in school. I also played lacrosse in college for a year. I worked on multiple farms locally.  I love to hunt and fish.  My favorite rod is my Lews Mach.
I enlisted in the Army in 2012. I served my country for 8 years.  I have a “never give up” type of attitude. I am loyal, and some would say to a fault.  On January 6, I was employed as a Union iron worker.  I had been out of the Army for 1 year.  After January 6, I was let go from the Union job and rejoined the Army. I was arrested on Oct 7th 2021 at Fort Bragg NC after having been back in the Army for 6 months. I had no prior criminal history prior to J6 minus traffic violations.  I pass the time in prison by reading and working out as much as I can. I  enjoy fantasy books because they get my mind out of prison.
I was married for 10 years but my wife and I separated after my arrest. I miss my children terribly and I would stop at nothing to get back to them and help their mother raise them.
God is number one in my life and Psalm 23 is my favorite Bible verse. I found God in the beginning of 2020 and that is why I was able to quit drinking. I had been an alcoholic from my time in the Army and God came to me and pulled me from the darkness. I have been growing with His love ever since.
I know that the evil that is in charge of our country right now cannot stand against God and I KNOW that God will win.  I'm not a sunshine patriot but a winter soldier and I refuse to break for this Marxist evil. All it takes for evil to grow and prosper is good men to sit back in fear and do nothing.
-James Mault
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